Pillars of Expertise

At Argentum, our investment approach integrates directional, relative value, and derivative trading strategies to generate diverse yet complementary return streams across a wide spectrum of investment solutions.

Our investment process is distinguished by our three core areas of expertise: macro analysis, trade structuring, and risk management.




Macro Thinking

Global macro research is the cornerstone of our investment strategy.

Trade Structuring

We focus on designing convex trades where the potential for gains far exceeds the risk of losses.

Risk Management

Our risk management approach is dedicated to enhancing potential returns while safeguarding the invested capital.

a busy city street
a busy city street

Investment Prospects

Our investment strategies cater to diverse portfolio needs by actively seeking opportunities across various asset classes, instruments, and global geographies, including emerging markets.

Our product offerings feature multi-portfolio manager strategies, single-portfolio manager strategies, and thematic co-investment opportunities.

For more details on our full range of strategies, please log in below or get in touch with us.


Fixed Income




Foreign Exchange

Six markets invested throughout Seven continents