Uncovering and Seizing Market Opportunities
Our Approach
Direct funding towards the most impactful and attractive investments globally, by utilising our team's expertise, cutting-edge technology, analytical capabilities, and global reach.
Five approaches.
United by a single goal.

We are a leading alternative investment manager in the commodities markets, our investments are based on our thorough comprehension of commodity market fundamentals. We implement our investment views through financial derivatives, physical supply and offtake, and financing.

We are a major investment manager in the corporate credit markets. From 2020 to 2022, we doubled our investment team, added six new strategies, and invested significantly in research and technology. The main products we trade are corporate bonds, convertible bonds, preferreds, hybrids, credit and equity derivatives, bank loans, and Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLOs).
Credit & Convertibles

Our main areas of focus include rates (such as interest rate swaps, sovereign bonds, and inflation), currencies, emerging markets, equities, commodities, and credit. We use a combination of macro and relative value strategies, informed by quantitative modelling, a thorough understanding of macroeconomics, and a nuanced perspective on monetary policy.
Global Fixed Income & Macro

Our strategy for investing is based on extensive research and financial analysis. We gather extensive information to make informed and data-driven decisions. We constantly seek new insights and data sources, and have established strong connections with the management of the companies we invest in.

GQ is a leading and rapidly expanding quantitative trading team. Utilising our own research, data, and technology, we create and implement algorithmic strategies in the areas of Equities, Futures, Fixed Income, and Currency products.
Global Quantitative
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UK: +44 20 3488 2515
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UK: +44 20 3488 2515
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UK: +44 20 3488 2515